Technical workshop on quality management and the management of risks to patient safety


    The importance of ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 179003:2013 certification to healthcare professionals

    On 22nd June, Applus+ Certification ran a technical workshop at its central Bellaterra (Barcelona) facility on the management of quality and risks to patient safety in line with the ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 179003:2013 standards. The workshop was targeted at healthcare professionals.
    Dr Maru Navarro, Quality Coordinator in the Haemodialysis Unit of the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, demonstrated the application and use of the quality tools used in her hospital’s dialysis unit with a view to improving workflows and, as such, patient safety.
    Dr Rafael Manzanera, Deputy Director of the MC Mutual Medical and Clinical Services Division, also took part in the event. Dr Manzanera shared his experiences of implementing the UNE 179003 standard throughout MC Mutual’s network of clinics and medical centres.
    Maria José Bueno, Director of Quality at Grupo Sagessa, explained the importance of hospital reporting systems as well as the appropriate management of sentinel events and second victims.
    We also welcomed Evaristo Gutiérrez, Director of Ingecal, who illustrated the benefits of putting in place a patient safety risk management system in accordance with UNE 179003.
    And finally, Rafael Medina, Chief Auditor and healthcare specialist at Applus+ Certification, spoke of the philosophy behind the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and the route towards ISO 179003.
    A large number of professionals attended this event. They heard about the experiences of other organisations working towards minimising patient safety risks as well as the significant link between the management of risks and opportunities as covered by the ISO 9001:2015 standard and the management of clinical and non-clinical services in the healthcare sector as covered by UNE 179003.
    Applus+ would like to thank all those who took part in this workshop, which was intended to add value to the sector and support it on its road to improvement.

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