QUITO (Ecuador) – 11th September. Applus+ has sponsored the 17th Ibero-American conference organised by Fundibeq in partnership with the Ecuadorian Corporation for Total Quality (CECT). The conference addressed various aspects of implementing excellence models, drawing on the experience of companies and organisations from both the public and private sectors. Luis Díaz-Toledo, Operations Manager for Latin America and member of the Fundibeq board, attended on behalf of Applus+ Certification.
With this sponsorship, Applus+ Certification shows its commitment to promoting excellence in Latin American business. Applus+ provides the certification of and training in quality, environmental, health and safety, excellence, IT security and food safety management systems, amongst others.

Fundibeq, the Ibero-American foundation for quality management (
Fundibeq), is a supranational not-for-profit organisation that was founded in 1998. It is made up of a representative mix of private companies and public bodies and runs, in conjunction with the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the IberQualitas Programme for Quality and Management Excellence. This programme is affiliated to the Ibero-American Conference of Heads of State and Government and encompasses the Ibero-American Quality Awards. Fundibeq drives, promotes and spreads the word about global quality management throughout Ibero-America with a view to enhancing the competitiveness and effectiveness of the region’s social and economic fabric.