On 30th November, Applus+ Certification Regional Commercial Manager José Francisco Bonet visited Fundación ENVERA, whose primary mission is the social and workplace integration of people with disabilities, in order to present the organisation’s managing director with a “Empresa Saludable” (Healthy Business) certificate.
The certification of Fundación ENVERA recognises the work that this body carries out with regard to employee health, safety and wellbeing. Fundación ENVERA entrusted the certification of its “healthy business excellence system” (SEES in Spanish) to Applus+, thereby showing its commitment to the health and wellbeing of its own staff.
Healthy Business certification: some background
Healthy Business certification involves the verification of an organisation’s healthy business excellence management system and systematises the actions being taken in the following four work-related spheres: physical, psychosocial, health and safety resources and community contribution.
This standard was developed by Spanish company Fraterprevención in response to a need within the business sector to assess and reward companies promoting health in the workplace. Certification is renewable every two years following a fresh audit in which improvements should be visible.
About Applus+ Certification
Appus+ Certification is an independent and impartial body that has been certifying Healthy Businesses since 2015. Its objective is to help organisations achieve and demonstrate their commitment to continual improvement and, in so doing, to build confidence among their customers. It has a presence in 14 countries and is accredited by ENAC, EMA, INN and ONAC, amongst others.